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Laura Beard

“Accumulation of Nothing”

works on paper

Opening on August 16th 2013, 7 p.m.

Born in Plattsburg, New York.

She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting and printmaking from Colorado State University and a Master of Fine Arts in painting from the University of Washington in Seattle. She lives and works in St. Louis, Missouri.

Beard frequently paints on large sized canvases, and often her choice of scale is larger than the human body. Through the execution of brushstrokes and marks of paint, the presence of the artist’s body can be felt in the paintings. Lines and forms move across the surface of each painting with unpredictable uniformity, resulting in a conception of space that is charged with latent geometry.

The surfaces of the paintings are created with thick, viscous brushstrokes, but also with more open areas where all definition of mark is completely effaced.” She is able to produce energetic paintings that contain an aesthetic that is truly new.

Laura Beard’s paintings combine both texture and color in such a way as to demonstrate the power and dynamism that is so characteristic of painterly abstraction. Her works are marked by a degree of chaos that is beautifully countered by geometric sequences. This combination brings continuity to her paintings, resulting in a serene sense of balance.